For vessels equipped with a stationary fire extinguishing system, we provide regular inspections or their service. The date of regular inspections is usually set by the manufacturer at least once every two years.
In addition to fire extinguishers and stationary fire extinguishing systems, we perform regular inspections of decontamination showers, which are manufactured in accordance with the EN 14 154 standard. These are showers with water content in container or containers, whre the flow of water is ensured by means of compressed gas (CO2 or oxygen). These showers are not connected to the water supply on board, they are mostly used on tank vessels without living and operating spaces.
The output of our inspections , in case of positive result, are certificates issued in Slovak and English language in accordance with the requirements of the ADN agreement.
If You are interested in, please contact us via e-mail: or phone: +421 902 341 031.